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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

5 reasons why Homestuck game will destroy the Gaming Industry

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sheik Al-Trev Husay i mean, Mark Anderson has gone too far.

He has decided to make HomeStuck an official game called "Kickstarter". It will be released in 2014.

Here's some info about it:

Seriously, this game will be a huge Earthbound rip-off because Anderson has a "lag-of-originality" disease. Also he forces his fans to send him MONEY???! That is the most meaniest thing any creator could ever do.

Everyone knows he wastes all his money on porn and he already absorbs people's tax money by sending them fake taxes. Now i know why Vince McMahon hasn't used One Man Gangbang for years. Thankfully it doesn't tell what game is about, but i guess it's all about shitty mindrape and unoriginal ambitions.

It's possible that this game will destroy every other game, probadly the entire gaming industry. How, you ask? Well....


5. It doesn't accept the Modern-Day Gaming Quality Standards...
If this game would've released today (not by Nintendo) rest of the copies would've buried in the desert.
 Every American game released these days is about guns, zombies, robots, nazis, robot nazis, DLC and fat screaming kids on the Multiplayer servers. Homestuck has NONE of these, if this game will be released in public, the other gamers that don't know about HomeStuck will bash this game so much that HomeStuck-ers get mad and massive war between Modern-Day Nerd Gamers and Homestuck-ers would start and other companies produce expies of HomeStuck. Finally this mess will give Gaming biggest downfall since 1983. (Yes i excluded Retro Gamers and Hipsters from the war because they're minority) To not make other game companies copy Hussie/Anderson, Andrew/Mark and his slaves must make it FPS, add Multi-Player servers and also add few zombies and robot nazis. Then game would sell as heck.

4. If it sells too much it will destroy Independent Gaming Companies
Nobody will ever remember that this guy existed
Independent Gaming companies are companies that don't earn millions of dollars and actually put EFFORT into their games, these gaming companies however, will be destroyed if Hussie/Anderson releases his game, millions and millions of his asskissers will buy that game and not other valuable games that are actually better than any Valve game ever released. This will lead into the end of lonely wolfs, because they will lose all of their money. (If Hussie can't do it with Unity then of course they need money!) This will also lead into the end of gaming because without Indie Gamers there would be no big billion dollar bling bling cash money companies like Nintendo, Activision, Valve etc.

3. Moral Guardians have finally ability to see what is HomeStuck

Internet is the only place in the world that doesn't have Moral Guardians watching over it, expect in Middle-East and Asia. When HomeStuck gets released, it would probadly get censored (HomeStuck is violent so the game itself is too?) Also Hussie/Anderson will be sued by PETA, feminists, Homosexuals, Republicans, Communists and Unoriginality Officer. (It has dogs being killed, Jerkass female characters, trolls that seem to give gay stereotypes, Anti-Patriotic contect, Nazism (Hussie/Anderson is a nazi and communists hate nazis right?) and like i said above, Hussie/Anderson has the lag-of-originality disease.)
After this horrible game Moral Guardians start playing other games and start censoring them more. (TF2 BANNED IN AMERICA, EVERY CHILDREN'S WORST NIGHTMARE SINCE BOOGEYMAN AND MITT ROMNEY!) This will make Modern-Day really violent FPS games die, and this causes nerd to go mad and gaming industry dies.

2. Making games by asking money from pedestarians without access is illegal (At least in America!)
I still wonder why this fatass piece of shit isn't in prison yet.
 Like i mentioned above, Hussie/Anderson is asking money from his fans. If someone gives him that money he will promise a reward. Also at the larger sum's he seems to go sarcastic (but he always is!)
  • At $100,000, the canonised fan troll will survive for more than one page
  • At $1 million, the fan troll becomes "the most important character in Homestuck"
  • At $10 million, Hussie will "like" a tumblr post from the backer's blog
  • At $100 million, Hussie will "reblog" a tumblr post from the backer's blog 
  • At $1 billion, Hussie will write a courteous thank-you note to the backer, and deliver it on a social media platform of their choice.  
Well, you know that some fans of Hussie take everything he says seriously and really give that big amount of money. Of course, the money-hungry nation of U.S.A. will notice this and start spying Hussie, then they realize that Hussie steals from people and nation sends him to prison. And just like in Moral Guardians section, nation also starts spying other game makers, and this will also lead fatso in the image above into prison which makes fanboys mad and, yep you guessed it, Gaming Industry crashes.

1. Or then Hussie/Anderson is just the most menacing businessman ever lived not named Vince McMahon.
>mfw someone doesn't buy Gamzee t-shirt

Face it, Hussie/Anderson is evil, he once forced the late Steve Jobs to be his slave according to some people. He also had anal sex with his female fan(s) and he is seen walking into porn stores every saturday 5:00, to be honest one porn seller was asked "Who is Andrew Hussie?" and he answered "Yes, i know him, he's one of my best customers!"
When Hussie does something, everything will go wrong, His fans are just too blind to see it. And his game will be big "FUCK YOU" to the gaming industry just like his webcomic was the big "FUCK YOU" to other webcomics.

Knowing Hussie/Anderson, his game will be, the biggest disaster in the history of Gaming, and it affects EVERYONE.


  1. i love the fact this is either a massive troll or sarcasm and jokes I certainly laughed so take that how you will

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First of all your just trying to start rumors...
    second of all its not going to be called "kickstarter" that's the name of the site they're raising money for the game on.
    they are not killing dogs in homestuck because none of them die. And even if one did, it wouldn't count because they're not really dogs! The creature known as 'Bec' is not actually a dog but a strange devilbeast. Also, it does not matter if some of the female characters are not the nicest people, because do you think it would matter if a male character was a jerk? The first three lines of "Reason 1" are obviously fake Going back to my first sentence, you are just trying to start rumors. I have read homestuck and none of the male characters give off "gay stereotypes". The mere fact that you would suggest people would start censoring it is ridiculous seeing as a game like "Call of duty" or "skyrim" is about the same amount of violence as homestuck. Its not supposed to be PG. And then you suggest that the game should become a FPS with all those highly offensive things like "nazi robots" should make it sell better and would improve the game is idiotic. I do not know who this Mark Anderson man is, and some things about him are true. But, it is obvious that this article was written by one of the gaming nerds described in reason 5. I think that you just can't get over the fact that Hussie is smarter than you and all the fools that back you up on this trivial matter. And, honestly does this all really matter? I wouldn't be writing this message if I didn't think the words written in these reasons are not poorly-made lies. Good bye, Miro Fortan

    1. Hold on.

      You see when this was posted? OCTOBER SIXTEENTH!!

      Also, this was a satire.

  4. Oh, I am so sorry! Im so stupid sometimes. blarh, im so sorry.
