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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Why Mario and Sonic Must Move On...

Nowadays Mascot Gaming sucks, Kids play either C.O.D, Minecraft or Valve, or then they play retro games, and that's why they're bullied in school. People no longer make games with cute heroish characters who fight against actually pretty cool villains, because that wouldn't make any money.

People try to keep this mascot-thing alive, Especially, Nintendo, which has ended up becoming the most hated company of the "Big Console Billionaire Trio." Foolish kids who play C.O.D/Valve/Minecraft hate it, 4channers hate it and "THE TRUE GAYMERZ" hate it.

That's why Nintendo has Sega, which has turned into a straight-up joke with it's "darker and edgier" Sonic Games, and that's why people think Sonic is better than Mario.

WRONG, none of them are good enough to survive in this mass of nerds, LANs and Console Wars.

Alright, let's see, how we could IMPROVE these two so they would be super-popular again? Hmmm.

Mario needs to stop being repetitive and grow up

No, adding more beautiful backgrounds doesn't help
Mario made his last change back in 2007, when he jumped into space. After that we got NOTHING NEW. Just few shitty sequels of the previous games and New Super Mario Bros. series, that would be good IF THEY WOULDN'T REPEAT SAME SHIT ALL THE TIME!!!

Back in the 90's, when Nintendo was rich but stupid, they had a lot of "IdontknowanythingaboutMario"-workers, that gave birth to very weird Super Mario Land-games. They weren't canon, but they gave us the debut of Wario and Daisy. Also Nintendo messed up with CD-I and then we got Hotel Mario, which was incredibly shitty, but at least IT WAS ORIGINAL IDEA.

I think Nintendo should make a game that is completetly weird and new, basically they need to give rights to other company for a while and they must create a Mario Game and then Nintendo would publish it. That's the same way how Super Mario RPG: Legend of Seven Stars was born! Although Nintendo fanbois whined how Geno doesn't appear in the new games, and if they would do that. THAT WILL BE STILL COUNTED AS REPETITIVE.

Like i said, Mario needs to grow up, do what Sonic did. Become much darker, not "Super Paper Mario"-dark. SERIOUSLY DARK. Add blood, deaths and other stuff. Also make game kinda unmarioish so it wouldn't become so overrated like every other Mario game.

And what comes into Super Smash Bros Brawl, "FUCK IT. It's one of the most overrated games of this decade and everyone needs to stop liking it!" This quote was brought you by Dave McDonalds, go failtroll him into his Deviantart page.

If i gave this advice to Nintendo, what advice i would give to Sonic? Well...

Sonic needs to stop being furry faggot and become future teenagers Childhood icon.

You can't fap to DOWN SYNDROME SONIC!
Sonic's more popular than in the 2006, but who cares? He still can't be taken seriously after his fandom came in. He must become something that isn't causing furbitches to wet their panties. (Speaking of panties, did you knew that Dave and Jasper had a panty party last night? Thankfully Avery wasn't invented because then he would be pregnant.)

Sonic needs to become the friend of kids again. More popular than Mickey Mouse. Sonic was cooler back in his younger days, and he needs to come back into his midget persona FOR FULL BASIS, not just by appearing in a new shitty Sonic Generation that is also incredibly overrated.

Also, just like what happened with Mario, Sonic needs to get more sequels made by other companies, and actually give us Sonic X-Treme and also Eggman's Robotnik again. Because, in my opinion, Robotnik is more serious character than Eggman. Just look at him!
Seriously, you can't imagine that evil scottish head to say: "YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY, THE MORE THE MERRIER"
So this is it. Shortly, Mario and Sonic need to change roles. And also, don't make Mario/Sonic Crossovers anymore, so it would give an image that they're RIVALS.