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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago, I wrote my final frequent entry to this blog, and haven't looked back outside of a short period in 2015. This was all the way back when Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U and 3DS was about to be released, I had also started to work on two different online series, one of which I continue to this day. I've learned a lot during these ten years, I've learned that there is such thing as "too much negativity", I've learned that having enemies is less fun than having friends, and I've learned that popularity is the biggest curse Momma Fortuna could possibly cast upon you. This blog was once somewhat popular, not overwhelmingly popular, but popular enough that I practically invented clickbait when I did that "Evangelion 3.0 Spoilers Review" blogpost. 

And yeah, a lot of what I've posted in this blog in the past has been pretty cringe. However I don't want to delete any of it, I did the mistake of deleting some old blogposts I wrote and now I am definitely curious about what was my writing like back then. I know I was obsessed with wanting to make "This Part of Site" a thing, but overtime my interests evolved and I wanted to make a story based on my first decade on the Internet instead. That being said, unless I magically gain some motivation to write I don't see it happening.

Why did I write this blogpost? I dunno, I just wanted to revisit this old blog and I kinda wish I had kept writing, even if most of my stuff didn't age well. If enough people are interested I might bring my blog back, but not in the current form, and especially not here.

Sometimes, I look at all the people I used to shittalk in this blog and where they are now. G0ATFAC3 is still doing his own thing but all of his old friends went their own ways, Craphole locked itself from guests (not that it's a big loss because all the fun users left that site), Crash Mania got shut down, SuperSaiyanCrash is still doing stuff but he can never return to Crash Bandicoot Retold because of the bridgeburning with Kayden, I don't even know what AX is doing because he still has me blocked after all these years lol and of course I had a brief bridgeburning with Annotators only to be brought back eventually.

So yeah, the world has changed, but I haven't changed that much. Any other person would delete this blog and pretend it never existed, but I want to keep it around as a reminder of the old days, when making fun of fanfictions was funny and majority of the world chose to speak in more than just 250 characters....

If I do come back, rest assured one of my very first posts will be a massive rant about Twitter and how I feel it has ruined every aspect of both society and human communication, but that's a rant for another day.

EDIT: I decided to go for it: