Dear gamers, (By gamers i mean people who have once touched PS2 but never have touched COD) today, is a sad day for us gamers.
Those jerkasses on Sony have officially stopped making Playstation 2's, which means they no longer make new PS2 games.
So, that means you're never able to play Crash Bandicoot ever again!
Basically children can't discover those cool games we once had, and they have to stick up with Call Of Duty, Valve, Killzone, Battlefield 3, FarCry, Uncharted etcWHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE GAMES???! NOTHING! THEY'RE ALL SAME FUCKING FPS GAMES WITH SAME FUCKING STORYLINE!!
The Only gaming consoles we have these days are Wii U, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Nerds keep fighting which one is the best console ever.
Answer is none, they're alll good, and bad.
But PS2 was the last simple console, it was the last console before those stupid DLC things, LAN-parties and trolls showed up. It was a good console with decent graphics, it had a good run with Xbox, then they both were shut down and they were replaced by the "Scrappy Doo's" of gaming, PS3 and Xbox 360!
These consoles made the youth what it is today: shitty, lame and incorporately lazy to do ANYTHING! They just get drunk and play some COD/Killzone/Farcry/Valve/ANYTHING THAT IS FP AND HAS GUNS AND PEOPLE IN IT!
Basically, after Ps2 died, you'll never see good games anymore, all the games are just replacements of the previous, they have no catchy soundtracks, they are mostly sequels, they are all clones, they try to improve but then they just become hugely overrated AKA bad.
If you think you're a man if you have PS3, you're wrong.
If you think you're a man if you have Xbox 360, you're wrong
If you think you're a man if you have Steam profile, Facebook Account and dance to Khaknang Stache every day, you're wrong!
You're a man, if you still have got that old good PS2 fella right in front of your tv...
Rest In Peace, PlayStation 2 (2000-2012)
The Last Good Gaming Console Ever Made