Dear gamers, (By gamers i mean people who have once touched PS2 but never have touched COD) today, is a sad day for us gamers.
Those jerkasses on Sony have officially stopped making Playstation 2's, which means they no longer make new PS2 games.
So, that means you're never able to play Crash Bandicoot ever again!
Basically children can't discover those cool games we once had, and they have to stick up with Call Of Duty, Valve, Killzone, Battlefield 3, FarCry, Uncharted etcWHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE GAMES???! NOTHING! THEY'RE ALL SAME FUCKING FPS GAMES WITH SAME FUCKING STORYLINE!!
The Only gaming consoles we have these days are Wii U, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Nerds keep fighting which one is the best console ever.
Answer is none, they're alll good, and bad.
But PS2 was the last simple console, it was the last console before those stupid DLC things, LAN-parties and trolls showed up. It was a good console with decent graphics, it had a good run with Xbox, then they both were shut down and they were replaced by the "Scrappy Doo's" of gaming, PS3 and Xbox 360!
These consoles made the youth what it is today: shitty, lame and incorporately lazy to do ANYTHING! They just get drunk and play some COD/Killzone/Farcry/Valve/ANYTHING THAT IS FP AND HAS GUNS AND PEOPLE IN IT!
Basically, after Ps2 died, you'll never see good games anymore, all the games are just replacements of the previous, they have no catchy soundtracks, they are mostly sequels, they are all clones, they try to improve but then they just become hugely overrated AKA bad.
If you think you're a man if you have PS3, you're wrong.
If you think you're a man if you have Xbox 360, you're wrong
If you think you're a man if you have Steam profile, Facebook Account and dance to Khaknang Stache every day, you're wrong!
You're a man, if you still have got that old good PS2 fella right in front of your tv...
Rest In Peace, PlayStation 2 (2000-2012)
The Last Good Gaming Console Ever Made
Search This Blog (And Some Other Stuff Too)
Friday, December 28, 2012
Rest in Peace. Playstation 2 (AKA Why Gaming Is Dead)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Fortan's Filthy Fanfiction: Jaden and Alexis have hot sex!
You got here by searching porn, didn't you? You're fucking gross and stop giving me dream that my stupid blog is actually popular.
Okay, the name of this blogpost already tells why i have inducted this into "the list of bad fanfiction". While other sex fanfics had CREATIVE names, this name pretty much spoils the whole darn thing.
And this was written by YoBitch, sounds like some kind of a pimp with a hat and dick.
Well, a lot of people have a hat and dick, and those people are usually Gladstone Gander's who love to piss you off by saying they're better than you, because they have a hat and dick and you dont have a hat.
Hats cost a lot, and only cool people wear a hat, Have you ever seen George Bush wear a hat? He's not cool, and that's why he doesn't wear a hat.
If you wear a hat, you're cool. If you wear a hat and have a dick, you're a pimp, and also you love to piss people off, so it's plus minus to have a hat and wear a dick... i mean wear a hat and have a dick!
Anyway, back to the subject...
This fanfic is about another Pokeyman ripoff, called You-Zee-Ohno, also known as Yu-Gi-Oh. Never cared about the series, but i once saw Yu-Gi-Oh GX, which seems to be meant for kids, because original Yu-Gi-Oh was, well, creepy.
Also Yu-Gi-Oh spawned the famous abridged series, that i will not watch, because it's overrated.
Although i do watch Marvel Mashups...
This, is a story, of Jaden and Alexis, having hot sex. Jaden is a boy, who is a copy of Yugi from the original series, and ironically, in Finnish dub of the show, he was voiced by the same guy who voiced Shobu from Duel Masters, which is obviously a Yu-Gi-Oh clone, expect Duel Masters is more easier.
Alexis instead, well, has too big breasts, BUT IT'S ANIME, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT???
Let's see how they gon' make it. Will it turn out to be lame, or more lame?
One night Jaden was sitting by himself in the Slyfer Red dorm on a beautiful night thinking about his life. He had all the duel skills that a man could ever want but he wanted something more. He wanted a girlfriend. He thought about who he would like to have as his girlfriend.
Make sure you have the hat and dick... oh wait, Jaden has none.
How do i know that?
You can guess from personality. What i've seen, i'm pretty sure Jaden is a pussy!!11 EHAHUHEHAHUHEHAHUHEHAAAH!!!
"Maybe Jasmine," he thought, "No,she's fugly" he continued
"Damn the wife of that dubstep maker is so Frikin' FUGLY!"
"Then again maybe I should ask out Mindy," he thought to himself once again, "No, she's dumb as a brick."
Hey! Don't insult bricks!
Then he thought about Alexis. "She's the perfect girl," he thought to himself. She had it all. She was great at dueling, she was smart and good looking, but most importantly she had a nice pair of rockin tits.
WELL OF COURSE! Why all the male characters are always perverts???
Jaden began to sit there and think about her. He just couldn't get her out of his head!
For a while i didn't neither, when i first discovered fictional falling-in-love.
Then it stopped when i discovered Evangelion...
"Thats it!" he said to himself, "I'm going over to the Obelisk Blue dorm to ask out Alexis right now!"
Well, that doesn't solve your problems, because... you're not funny and nobody likes you!
I don't know what was the point of that...
Jaden ran out of his dorm as fast as he could into the night and ran across the Duel Academy campus.
What kind of security those shitheads have anyway? How do they make sure that nobody escapes from the island? Well, at one episode Chazz escaped and nobody gave a shit, then he revenged by bringing in the Russian Prisoner Academy, that accidentally was disappeared to the South Pole. Of course Marty-Stu Jaden saved the day again and Chazz was executed. And There was much... YES I'M GONNA SAY IT DEAL WITH IT ...rejoicing.
While he ran he thought about what he was going to say to Alexis when he arrived.
Just play this:
"I'm just going to tell her exactly how I feel." he told himself.
Tumblr humor, people.
Jaden swiftly climbed up the balcony
that led to Alexis' second story window. Once he was safely on the deck above he noticed that the only light on in her room was coming from the bathroom and that steam was coming out.
"She must be in the shower!" Jaden thought ecstatically.
Nice find, Captain Obvious.
"She won't want to see me. Maybe I should do back now." He thought but then he got a surge of confidence. "I'm going to march right in there and tell her how I feel!" He said to himself determined.
The next day Jaden S. Yuki was arrested from sexual harassment. He was banished into a lost island of Melee where he became Guybrush Threepwood, A Mighty Pirate™! Expect not.
Jaden took a deep breathe and knocked on the glass door that led to Alexis' room. He peered inside and noticed that she had turned off the water and then he saw the door begin to crack open. Then Alexis walked out with a towel covering her body from above her breasts to her knees. She went over by the glass door and opened it. She poked her head out and said inquisitively, "Jaden what are you doing here so late at night? Shouldn't you be in your dorm?"
"Look, Alexis. Ummm....uh....errrrr....Shall we shag now, or shag later?"
Jaden blushed a little. "Well," he began, "There was just something that I wanted to talk to you about." He said.
Alexis let out a sigh and then said, "Alright, come in and have a seat."
She opened the door to let Jaden in and they both went inside. "Please, sit down." Alexis said rather nicely. Jaden went and sat down on her bed. Alexis went and sat down next to him, still clothed only in the towel she grabbed as she left the shower.
Next day, Jaden was found dead, with a train dropped on him.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Alexis asked.
"Well it's just that… uuhh," Jaden began but his mouth wouldn't move because he was too focused on what was in front of his eyes. His eyes had wondered over to Alexis' nice big breasts.
Not again...
They were barley being contained by the towel and they were still slightly wet from her getting out of the shower. "It's just that I really wanted to tell you that I like you a lot Alexis." Jaden said finally finishing his sentence.
Well, that went okay. And without any sil...
"Infact I think I might be in love with you." He said.
You are so dead...
Then a huge blush went across Alexis' face. "Well, this is all happening so fast," she said "but I've felt the same ever since I met you Jaden Yuki. I love you too"
I kinda wish Alexis would've stalked Jaden unsuccesfully and then masturbated over pictures of him, Oh come on, show that men aren't the only freaks!
Jaden was relieved that she felt the same way that he did so that he didn't have to deal with the pain of rejection. Just then Alexis pulled Jaden into a deep, passionate kiss. This caught Jaden off guard but he kissed her back with just as much love and passion as she had.
They were made out on Alexis' bed for some time when Alexis' hand had
begun to drift down towards Jaden's crotch. She started to feel his
member through his pants while they were making out.
Alexis then broke their embrace and got down and began to undo Jaden's belt. She brought down his pants and put Jaden's member into her hands.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jaden asked her.
"Oh yes I'm sure Jaden. I love you and I don't see whats wrong with having sex if we both love each other."
Oh come on, this is getting lame!
"Ok, if thats how you feel." Jaden said, "Then I agree."
Right after Jaden said this he grabbed hold of the towel around Alexis' and he removed it from her body, unleashing her massive breasts. The very sight of them gave Jaden a boner and he took them in his hands and started to play with them
Suddenly NIBBLA! *CHOMP*
but he stopped when he began to feel an amazing feeling around his penis. He looked down and Alexis was sucking his dick.
"Does that feel good?" Alexis asked Jaden seductively.
"Oh yeah." Jaden moaned in pleasure.
Alexis was sucking off the top of his dick while she let her fingers dance on the lower part near the base giving him a handjob. Suddenly, Jaden pulled his penis out of Alexis' mouth.
At that moment, Jaden realized he was a pussy...
"Yes," Jaden replied, "but I just wanted to return the favor." Then he picked up Alexis and set her on the bed. He spread her legs open wide and got a look at her fantastic pussy. He put his head in her crotch and began to lick her vagina. He moved his tongue around there and he would lick her clitoris. Alexis was obviously enjoying this because she began to moan loudly out of pleasure.
"I want to see if your boobs feel as good as they look." Jaden said as
he raised himself up and got up on top of Alexis. Then he took his dick
and placed it in-between Alexis giant boobs. She pressed them against
his dick and he began to thrust his member forward between them.
Okay, this guy has watched too much hentai.
"Oh yes!" Jaden said, "They definitely like up to how great they look!" Alexis had begun to suck his dick while Jaden was pumping it into her cleavage.
"Seeing your dick between my tits makes me so horny!" Alexis exclaimed. "I want you inside me so bad!" Alexis said.
"You asked for it." Jaden said as he split Alexis' legs and prepared his member to enter her. He slowly entered her vagina procuring low moans from Alexis.
"Oh, that feels good," she exclaimed, "pick up the speed a bit."
I don't want to masturbate into this, you know why?
Because this is boring!
Jaden began to trust into her faster producing even more, louder moans from Alexis.
"Give it to me harder!" Alexis yelled.
Jaden did as she said and began to go full speed into Alexis' pussy. She screamed and her juices began to flow all over Jadens dick as she had an orgasm. The feeling of Alexis' juices on Jaden's dick just made him even more horny than he already was.
This is just like a porn movie, It was FEW FEETS close that this could've had an actual plot, but no.
Suddenly, Jaden pulled his dick out of her vagina. "Are you finished? That was amazing." Alexis said.
"There's more where that came from." Jaden said. "Get on your hands and knees."
"You want to go into my ass?" Alexis said.
"Don't worry" Jaden said. "I'll go slow"
Oh, also, why don't they use condom? Oh yes, because it's porn.
Alexis shook her head approvingly and Jaden slowly put his dick into Alexis' ass. Alexis began to yell partially out of pain and partially of of pleasure. Slowly the pleasure began to out do the pain and Jaden began to increase the speed he was thrusting until he was going all out into Alexis' asshole.
Alexis started screaming very loudly as she had a crazy huge orgasm with Jadens dick pumping her ass as fast as he could.
"I'm going to finish." Jaden said as he removed his member from Alexis' asshole. Alexis quickly got on her knees and began to rapidly tug on Jaden's dick giving him a handjob. Jaden started to moan and Alexis' handjob caused him to start ejaculating all over Alexis' face, tits, hair, and into her wide open mouth.
Alexis swallowed the cum that was in her mouth and she started to lick off the jizz that had landed on her boobs.
They both lay down on Alexis' bed and they fell asleep naked in each others arms.
The next morning Alexis woke up to an empty bed and she got up and noticed that a note had been placed on her nightstand.
"Dear Alexis,
Last night wasamazing horrible. I'm glad we have similar feelings for each other don't have anything in common at all. For example, you're a woman and i'm a man, you're blonde and i'm a brownie, I
love you my DKC trilogy collection more than anything in the world. Same time tonight? Also you're fired.
Eustace Pietime"
Alexis blushed and held the note close to her heart.
"Same time tonight?" she asked herself, "Yes Jaden Yuki, same time tonight" she said to herself as she began to get dressed for the day ahead
Okay, that story sucked, because the plot was ruined by sex and nobody even wore a hat!
I think i've reviewed enough sex fanfics for now, i think i go back to ridiculous fanfics again, such as horrible crossovers etc.
Hope you liked this, please comment and give me suggestions for more bad fanfics to review!
Okay, the name of this blogpost already tells why i have inducted this into "the list of bad fanfiction". While other sex fanfics had CREATIVE names, this name pretty much spoils the whole darn thing.
And this was written by YoBitch, sounds like some kind of a pimp with a hat and dick.
Well, a lot of people have a hat and dick, and those people are usually Gladstone Gander's who love to piss you off by saying they're better than you, because they have a hat and dick and you dont have a hat.
Hats cost a lot, and only cool people wear a hat, Have you ever seen George Bush wear a hat? He's not cool, and that's why he doesn't wear a hat.
If you wear a hat, you're cool. If you wear a hat and have a dick, you're a pimp, and also you love to piss people off, so it's plus minus to have a hat and wear a dick... i mean wear a hat and have a dick!
Anyway, back to the subject...
This fanfic is about another Pokeyman ripoff, called You-Zee-Ohno, also known as Yu-Gi-Oh. Never cared about the series, but i once saw Yu-Gi-Oh GX, which seems to be meant for kids, because original Yu-Gi-Oh was, well, creepy.
Also Yu-Gi-Oh spawned the famous abridged series, that i will not watch, because it's overrated.
Although i do watch Marvel Mashups...
This, is a story, of Jaden and Alexis, having hot sex. Jaden is a boy, who is a copy of Yugi from the original series, and ironically, in Finnish dub of the show, he was voiced by the same guy who voiced Shobu from Duel Masters, which is obviously a Yu-Gi-Oh clone, expect Duel Masters is more easier.
Alexis instead, well, has too big breasts, BUT IT'S ANIME, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT???
Let's see how they gon' make it. Will it turn out to be lame, or more lame?
One night Jaden was sitting by himself in the Slyfer Red dorm on a beautiful night thinking about his life. He had all the duel skills that a man could ever want but he wanted something more. He wanted a girlfriend. He thought about who he would like to have as his girlfriend.
Make sure you have the hat and dick... oh wait, Jaden has none.
How do i know that?
You can guess from personality. What i've seen, i'm pretty sure Jaden is a pussy!!11 EHAHUHEHAHUHEHAHUHEHAAAH!!!
"Maybe Jasmine," he thought, "No,she's fugly" he continued
"Damn the wife of that dubstep maker is so Frikin' FUGLY!"
"Then again maybe I should ask out Mindy," he thought to himself once again, "No, she's dumb as a brick."
Hey! Don't insult bricks!
Then he thought about Alexis. "She's the perfect girl," he thought to himself. She had it all. She was great at dueling, she was smart and good looking, but most importantly she had a nice pair of rockin tits.
WELL OF COURSE! Why all the male characters are always perverts???
Jaden began to sit there and think about her. He just couldn't get her out of his head!
For a while i didn't neither, when i first discovered fictional falling-in-love.
Then it stopped when i discovered Evangelion...
"Thats it!" he said to himself, "I'm going over to the Obelisk Blue dorm to ask out Alexis right now!"
Well, that doesn't solve your problems, because... you're not funny and nobody likes you!
I don't know what was the point of that...
Jaden ran out of his dorm as fast as he could into the night and ran across the Duel Academy campus.
What kind of security those shitheads have anyway? How do they make sure that nobody escapes from the island? Well, at one episode Chazz escaped and nobody gave a shit, then he revenged by bringing in the Russian Prisoner Academy, that accidentally was disappeared to the South Pole. Of course Marty-Stu Jaden saved the day again and Chazz was executed. And There was much... YES I'M GONNA SAY IT DEAL WITH IT ...rejoicing.
While he ran he thought about what he was going to say to Alexis when he arrived.
Just play this:
"I'm just going to tell her exactly how I feel." he told himself.
Tumblr humor, people.
Jaden swiftly climbed up the balcony
that led to Alexis' second story window. Once he was safely on the deck above he noticed that the only light on in her room was coming from the bathroom and that steam was coming out.
"She must be in the shower!" Jaden thought ecstatically.
Nice find, Captain Obvious.
"She won't want to see me. Maybe I should do back now." He thought but then he got a surge of confidence. "I'm going to march right in there and tell her how I feel!" He said to himself determined.
The next day Jaden S. Yuki was arrested from sexual harassment. He was banished into a lost island of Melee where he became Guybrush Threepwood, A Mighty Pirate™! Expect not.
Jaden took a deep breathe and knocked on the glass door that led to Alexis' room. He peered inside and noticed that she had turned off the water and then he saw the door begin to crack open. Then Alexis walked out with a towel covering her body from above her breasts to her knees. She went over by the glass door and opened it. She poked her head out and said inquisitively, "Jaden what are you doing here so late at night? Shouldn't you be in your dorm?"
"Look, Alexis. Ummm....uh....errrrr....Shall we shag now, or shag later?"
THEN JADEN WAS FIREDJaden blushed a little. "Well," he began, "There was just something that I wanted to talk to you about." He said.
Alexis let out a sigh and then said, "Alright, come in and have a seat."
She opened the door to let Jaden in and they both went inside. "Please, sit down." Alexis said rather nicely. Jaden went and sat down on her bed. Alexis went and sat down next to him, still clothed only in the towel she grabbed as she left the shower.
Next day, Jaden was found dead, with a train dropped on him.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Alexis asked.
"Well it's just that… uuhh," Jaden began but his mouth wouldn't move because he was too focused on what was in front of his eyes. His eyes had wondered over to Alexis' nice big breasts.
Not again...
Look, the problem is that the academy suits are too small for her size... I mean she's SIX AND HALF feet tall! |
They were barley being contained by the towel and they were still slightly wet from her getting out of the shower. "It's just that I really wanted to tell you that I like you a lot Alexis." Jaden said finally finishing his sentence.
Well, that went okay. And without any sil...
"Infact I think I might be in love with you." He said.
You are so dead...
Then a huge blush went across Alexis' face. "Well, this is all happening so fast," she said "but I've felt the same ever since I met you Jaden Yuki. I love you too"
I kinda wish Alexis would've stalked Jaden unsuccesfully and then masturbated over pictures of him, Oh come on, show that men aren't the only freaks!
Jaden was relieved that she felt the same way that he did so that he didn't have to deal with the pain of rejection. Just then Alexis pulled Jaden into a deep, passionate kiss. This caught Jaden off guard but he kissed her back with just as much love and passion as she had.
Alexis then broke their embrace and got down and began to undo Jaden's belt. She brought down his pants and put Jaden's member into her hands.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jaden asked her.
"Oh yes I'm sure Jaden. I love you and I don't see whats wrong with having sex if we both love each other."
Oh come on, this is getting lame!
"Ok, if thats how you feel." Jaden said, "Then I agree."
Right after Jaden said this he grabbed hold of the towel around Alexis' and he removed it from her body, unleashing her massive breasts. The very sight of them gave Jaden a boner and he took them in his hands and started to play with them
Suddenly NIBBLA! *CHOMP*
but he stopped when he began to feel an amazing feeling around his penis. He looked down and Alexis was sucking his dick.
"Does that feel good?" Alexis asked Jaden seductively.
"Oh yeah." Jaden moaned in pleasure.
Alexis was sucking off the top of his dick while she let her fingers dance on the lower part near the base giving him a handjob. Suddenly, Jaden pulled his penis out of Alexis' mouth.
At that moment, Jaden realized he was a pussy...
"Yes," Jaden replied, "but I just wanted to return the favor." Then he picked up Alexis and set her on the bed. He spread her legs open wide and got a look at her fantastic pussy. He put his head in her crotch and began to lick her vagina. He moved his tongue around there and he would lick her clitoris. Alexis was obviously enjoying this because she began to moan loudly out of pleasure.
Okay, this guy has watched too much hentai.
"Oh yes!" Jaden said, "They definitely like up to how great they look!" Alexis had begun to suck his dick while Jaden was pumping it into her cleavage.
"Seeing your dick between my tits makes me so horny!" Alexis exclaimed. "I want you inside me so bad!" Alexis said.
"You asked for it." Jaden said as he split Alexis' legs and prepared his member to enter her. He slowly entered her vagina procuring low moans from Alexis.
"Oh, that feels good," she exclaimed, "pick up the speed a bit."
I don't want to masturbate into this, you know why?
Because this is boring!
Jaden began to trust into her faster producing even more, louder moans from Alexis.
"Give it to me harder!" Alexis yelled.
Jaden did as she said and began to go full speed into Alexis' pussy. She screamed and her juices began to flow all over Jadens dick as she had an orgasm. The feeling of Alexis' juices on Jaden's dick just made him even more horny than he already was.
This is just like a porn movie, It was FEW FEETS close that this could've had an actual plot, but no.
Suddenly, Jaden pulled his dick out of her vagina. "Are you finished? That was amazing." Alexis said.
"There's more where that came from." Jaden said. "Get on your hands and knees."
"You want to go into my ass?" Alexis said.
"Don't worry" Jaden said. "I'll go slow"
![]() | |
"Don't worry, honey! When i'll take this car to the Cave of Killer Wasps, i'll go slow!" |
Alexis shook her head approvingly and Jaden slowly put his dick into Alexis' ass. Alexis began to yell partially out of pain and partially of of pleasure. Slowly the pleasure began to out do the pain and Jaden began to increase the speed he was thrusting until he was going all out into Alexis' asshole.
![]() |
"I'm going to finish." Jaden said as he removed his member from Alexis' asshole. Alexis quickly got on her knees and began to rapidly tug on Jaden's dick giving him a handjob. Jaden started to moan and Alexis' handjob caused him to start ejaculating all over Alexis' face, tits, hair, and into her wide open mouth.
Alexis swallowed the cum that was in her mouth and she started to lick off the jizz that had landed on her boobs.
They both lay down on Alexis' bed and they fell asleep naked in each others arms.
The next morning Alexis woke up to an empty bed and she got up and noticed that a note had been placed on her nightstand.
"Dear Alexis,
Last night was
Eustace Pietime"
Alexis blushed and held the note close to her heart.
"Same time tonight?" she asked herself, "Yes Jaden Yuki, same time tonight" she said to herself as she began to get dressed for the day ahead
Okay, that story sucked, because the plot was ruined by sex and nobody even wore a hat!
I think i've reviewed enough sex fanfics for now, i think i go back to ridiculous fanfics again, such as horrible crossovers etc.
Hope you liked this, please comment and give me suggestions for more bad fanfics to review!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Fortan's Filthy Fanfiction: Love In The Bakery!
it's time for DUN-DUN-DUN Triple-F of death, Fortan's Filthy Fanfiction Corner!
I've also realized why people don't read this, it's because this is an obvious rip-off of Topless Robot's "Bad Fanfic Friday". Although, i love those guys and i try NOT to copy them.
Also, before we continue, i would like to thank each and everyone for giving this blog over 1000 VIEWS! I hope this shit gets famous before i quit one day!
Anyways, Let's start our review of next bad fanfic called "Love In The Bakery" by Rukatofan.
First of all, it's not MLP fanfic, it's Digimon fanfic and a SEX one.
Second, it doesn't have Venusmon OR Lilithmon, so you can go away now.
Third, It's about the relationship of Rika Nonaka or "Ruki" as you weeaboos call her AND Takato. Who is Takato? Lex Luger gives thou an answer.
Okay, i did a google search and Takato is just a worthless expy of Tai. Why those-who-created-this-shit ALWAYS want to add Tai-expy for every season? That makes them look kinda bored.
And what comes to Rika, she's a bitch. Not Asuka-Bitch, but a real bitch. From looks she isn't bad, but in personality she's just a foolish emo.
Tell me if i'm wrong, i haven't watched Tamers even though D-Reaper is based on Angels from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Anyways, let's start this shit:
Takato sighed as he slid the pan of bread into the oven and shut the door, wiping sweat off of his forehead with his arm. He spent every evening after the bakery was closed making the loaves and treats that he would sell the next day.
A Male working on Bakery? Man Dat's Gay!
It was a lonely life, with his parents traveling the world and most of his friends away at college. But this was what he wanted to do with his life. Even at 20 years, he had everything he wanted.
Takato wants to do bread for his life? Man, he is more depressed than Shinji.
Everything except company. It was hard to think about sometimes, but the fact that he rarely saw any of his friends anymore was a little depressing. Add to that the fact that he was single, and had been all of his life.
Who gives a shit if you have a wife? If you don't have wife, you can masturbate all day long!
"Sometimes, life sucks," he complained under his breath. He'd gotten used to talking to himself, so he didn't expect it when someone answered him.
Expect, if the room had someone in there, like, LA PARKA!
"Life always sucks," someone replied behind him.
He practically jumped out of his skin and whirled around to see who could possible be trespassing into his bakery after hours. Even though it had been at least five years, it didn't even take him a full second to recognize the young woman standing before him casually. "R-Rika!" he blurted.
And it was Rika, too. She was taller now, taller than most girls, but it in no way made her look lanky or strange. Her figure had changed to be more voluptuous in its curves, though it was easy to see that she was super toned and athletic.
Give me an image what she looks like so i can masturbate into it, i mean, nothing!
Takato could only stare with his mouth slightly open, admiring her perfect figure and perky breasts.
He quickly tried to regain his control and looked up at her eyes as fast as he could.
Then he wished he hadn't. They were as icy as he always remembered, a perfect blend of violet and amethyst that swirled together as though the colors were always changing. He always got lost in those eyes, and it wasn't any different now. Why did she always do this to him?
dropping a fairly large duffel bag on the floor with a thump. She was
wearing a stylish Vogue shirt with strands of pearls and beads hanging
around her neck. Her skinny jeans were tight enough to show her slender
but shapely legs, but they more than emphasized the red ankle boots she
wore on her feet. Somehow, despite all of her complaining and
tomboyishness, she had become a picture of fashion.
What are you guys looking at? Are you expecting me to make a bad joke of that sentence or something? No? Good, because i didn't came up with anything.
"Look, I know this is really sudden and all, but can I stay in your house for a while? I'm in town for the next month or so, and I've got nowhere else to go. You were always a good friend to me so I thought…" he voice trailed off, and she stared at him expectantly.
Is Rika really that stupid? She has got sexy breasts and fabulous breasts, and she's an Anime Girl! Takato would rape her anytime!
Takato had to focus to snap out of his staring, and couldn't help noticing that Rika didn't even care that he'd been staring at her like that. Maybe she was used to it? "Of course you can stay here," he answered quickly. "It's just me, so it'll be nice to have some company for a while. What's going on? I thought you moved to Tokyo."
Doesn't EVERY Anime happen in Tokyo? Well, at least in every Digimon season...
"No, my Mother and Grandma moved to Tokyo. I only went because I was still living with them while I was growing up. I'm 20 now, you know." She rolled her eyes and found a chair in the kitchen, pulling it over and sitting down. "I'm just here job hunting, and I've got nowhere to stay and no money till I find work."
Looking for jorb? Well, we've got an empty Slot on Bluster's Barrelworx! Get over there and i'm sure you'll get a lot of WORK!
Takato nodded, then dusted flour off of himself and untied his apron,
letting it rest on the nearest counter space. "Come on, I'll show you where you can stay. I've got the place to myself for what may be the rest of my life, so I can easily set you up in one of the guest rooms. Sound alright? I'll even let you stay free until you get a job."
Why Rika doesn't believe that Takato obviously wants to molest her? I thought women think EVERY SINGLE MALE is a pervert, especially an APRON-WEARING ONE!
"You'd charge an old friend rent?" Rika asked, narrowing her eyes in what seemed like anger.
"What are you, Stupid?"
But Takato could remember her well enough to know when she was joking and when she was serious. He always had, and that hadn't changed over the years. Especially when she was the one he thought of the most.
"Don't worry," he teased back, letting a grin slide onto his face.
"It'll only be a little bit. I'm not that greedy, but I will need some help with things like utilities. It gets more expensive with two people instead of one."
Rika thought about it, then nodded. "Fair," she said. "It's a deal. Show me that room."
The evening was getting late, and as Takato finished preparing everything for the store the next day, he focused on getting dinner ready for Rika and himself. It was weird and exciting that she was here, and he couldn't help feeling elated about it. Rika is here, staying in my house! He thought to himself with a smile. I used to fantasize about something like that. But now that it's actually happening, I don't even know how to act!
Just don't do anything. Why you stupid apron-wearing, Tai-copying, pie-eating, breast-stalking hairbrush can't get a REAL girlfriend? (See what i did there?)
His trail of thought was interrupted as Rika herself walked into the kitchen. She had taken off her shoes—a courtesy Takato had awkwardly asked her to do while living with him—and her footsteps were quiet along the wood floor. "Is that dinner?" she asked, staring at the rice and curry that Takato had been preparing for them.
Rice and Curry? Thank you for reminding me that they don't live in America...
I can obviously imagine Asuka in the place of Rika and Shinji in the place of Takato in this fanfic, it's obvious that Digimon Tamers is based on NGE, and not even Avery Petrie knows about it!
Only difference between the characters is that Shinji doesn't wear apron! He can cook, but come on!
"Looks delicious.
MOIST AND DELICIOUS! *congratulations for making your first tf2 reference Fortan, hope you don't make more*
I'm so hungry. Smelling that fresh bread baking was driving me crazy." She rubbed her stomach with her hand, making a face as it rumbled. Somehow it just made her look cute and sexy.
Takato chuckled out loud. "Oh, Rika," he said. He dished out two plates of curry and rice and walked out to the dining room, Rika trailing behind him. He set them down before chairs that sat across from each other, and went back into the kitchen
for the rest of the utensils. When he came back, she was already seated, her mouth practically drooling.
"That's Sexy" Takato thought.
"Itadakemasu," she said quickly, clapping her hands together and bowing slightly.
Do you japs really need to have those ridiculous food rituals, In the modern European Union, the maker of food just screams "Diner", eat and then say "Thank you."
She didn't wait for him to respond and instantly dug in, eating with a fury.
"That's Sexy" Takato thought.
"Wow, you really were hungry," he offered, and sat down. As they ate, he watched her with thoughtful eyes. How was it that she was back in town with no money and no job? Wouldn't it be super easy for her to find a modeling position? With her mother's influence in the profession it couldn't be that difficult. So why was she really here? He shook his had faintly at himself. Oh get over yourself. She wouldn't come back just for you.
I'd rather live in some other city in Japan than Tokyo. TOKYO IS FOR LOSERS, PEOPLE!
"So," she said, breaking into his thoughts once more. "You like taking over the bakery?"
"Yeah," he answered quickly. "I could do this all my life. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but it's not unbearable."
He smiled genuinely. "It's nice to have company though. So what really
brings you into town? You never do anything without a reason."
Rika's smile was a little wry, but she chuckled and slid her empty plate to the side so she could place her elbows on the table and rest her chin upon her hands.
"That's sexy" Takato thought.
"And you could always see through me," she replied. A sigh followed her words, and she paused a while before continuing. "The truth is, I can find work whenever I want. I have more agencies calling me than I care for, and when I feel like it, I'll pick one. But I just needed a break from the crazy schedules, the constant bickering and primping
Did she just said "pimping?"
Oh thank you, for a while i thought the writer of this fanfic had changed the roles
and being told I need to lose weight…"
she rolled her eyes. "It's horrible. Do you know what they call you in the modeling industry? They nickname you after your worst fault, and that's all you ever hear. Hey 'big nose,' or hey 'surfboard,' or 'zit face.'
Or 'bitch', but this is a kids fanfic! That's why it's rated M for Mini right????!!!!!???
It's horrible, and I'm sick of it." She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.
Takato shook his head. "That is horrible," he agreed, somewhat angry about it. Why would those people take the most beautiful people on the planet, and basically torture them and force them to be perfect. And still, all they did was name them something that probably wasn't even a fault at all. "Faults aren't bad," he said scowling. "They're what makes a person unique and worth knowing and loving. If anything, those things that are called faults are the most precious part. Without them, you'd just look like everybody else."
Sooooo that's why you wear apron?
Rika stared at him, sort of surprised by his outburst, and then smiled at him. "That was sweet," she teased. "I kind of like seeing you get all upset like that. It's cute."
"aaaand sexy!" Takato added.
Takato's face blushed a little. Not because being called cute was annoying to a guy, but because Rika had said it in such a way.
It was almost seductive. He cleared his throat and stood up, grabbing their plates. "I'll just put these in the kitchen," he said, walking that way.
Rika chuckled out loud, following him. "You're so shy," she teased, poking his ribs and making him jump a little.
"But it's just one of the things I love about you."
He nearly dropped the plates, managing to get them into the seat without breaking. "Wait, what?" he blurted, turning to face her. "Did you just say you loved me?"
She clasped her hands behind her back, making a face like she was thinking about it and swaying her hips from side to side. "Well, not in so many words," she taunted. "But yeah, I guess I do."
If there would be another thing i would hate about this fanfic, it would be that they use too much body language.
Takato felt his face flush red. Here was the girl that he'd thought about almost every day since he met her, the same girl that would probably kill him if he even hinted that he liked her, and she was telling him that she loved him. How was he supposed to respond to this? "R-Rika!" he managed to get her name out. "This doesn't really seem like you but…"
"But?" She asked, walking forward coyly. She stopped a foot away, leaning her face towards his. She'd gotten taller, probably more than most girls in Japan, but he was at least a head taller than her.
"Truth is, Takato, I've loved you since you first came into my life and made me realize what friendship truly was. I loved you the second you treatedRenamon a plush toy with respect instead of how I treated her. When you
showed me courage in the face of danger, and common sense when I was
being stubborn."
Somewhere there, Avery Petrie's childhood was ruined...
Takato felt himself leaning towards her as she spoke, feeling her breath on his face. He could hardly believe was he was hearing. "I loved you the first time I saw you, in my dream. I never thought you would ever love me back, though. I thought you'd kill me if I ever let on that I even liked you."
"The old me might have," she grinned, lifting her chin and staring into his chocolate colored eyes.
Chocolate? Ugh, that's not sexy.
"But now all I can think about is you. When I came back into town and heard that you were here, I didn't want to go anywhere else."
Also because Tokyo and Kanto are full of losers!
There were only inches left between them, and Takato felt a rush of desire fill him that he had no mind to ignore. He closed the distance between them with a passionate kiss, and Rika answered back forcefully. Her lips felt so soft and alluring, and though he didn't have much experience with kissing, it seemed to come so naturally to him.
His hands snaked around her waist, pulling her close to his body, and she raised hers to circle his neck. He paused a second to breathe and suddenly her tongue slipped into his mouth, her kiss exploding with passion. Her fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer to her, and he felt himself growing warmer with each second.
Rika was good at this. Every moment was bliss, and the tension in his body that her kissing caused was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Still, the fact that she was the one French kissing made him feel competitive. Her personality was the type that wanted to be in control, but that didn't mean he was going to let her take the lead without a fight! Between breaths he forced his tongue past hers, exploring her mouth fully. It was like a battle that neither of them wanted to end, but for some reason Rika pulled away and stepped back.
Good, that was incredibly romantic ^_^
Breathless, Takato looked at her with new eyes, admiring her face and figure as he'd never felt the freedom to do before. He loved every inch of her, and despite his desire to treat women with respect, all he wanted was to see her naked.
"Come on," she whispered, grinning and walking backwards. "I'd do you here, but I know you want to keep the kitchen clean."
Takato felt himself blush red, and he coughed in surprise. "Rika!" he blurted.
Why the writer of this shit loves the word "blurted"? That sounds disgusting in my opinion!
"Oh come on," she rolled his eyes. "What are you, a virgin?
We both know where this is going. You want it, don't you?" she moved closer to him, swaying her hips seductively. "And I want it too."
"That's Sex... oh wait. That really is sexy!
He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he wasn't an idiot. Walking forward, he reached for her and grabbed her waist, pulling her against him and kissing her. "Course I want it," he whispered huskily. "It's just a little new to me." He kissed her mouth, her chin, her jaw line, and her neck. She sighed loudly with pleasure.
More childhood-ruinage! Let's see how this ends!
"Then let's go," she whispered back. Within seconds they were stumbling up the stairs towards Takato's bedroom, not breaking contact as they explored each other's mouths with their tongues.
The door was left open, and they practically fell onto the bed. Rika moaned as his kisses migrated back to her neck. She wanted feel the skin of his chest against hers, and reached her hands down to tug his shirt upward. "Take it off," she ordered, pulling it over his head and tossing it on the floor. Her lips turned up in a smile as she studied his chest. "My, my, you've been working out!"
Oh god, Don't tell me he has a sixpack. If he does, that means he's a former Tamer with muscles and obsession with bakery.
Takato grinned, reaching his hands around her neck so that he could pull off her jewelry, and followed that by ripping off her shirt and admiring her red lacy bra. "It beats doing nothing every evening,"
he replied. And it was true. He had been working out every day, toning his body and conditioning himself. "Cardiovascular Health is important, you know."
Now Takato is just being a Marty-Stu.
"Shut up," Rika growled, gripping his hair with her fingers.
He chuckled and responded by continuing to kiss her neck. His hands moved so that he could feel her breast, rubbing his fingers over her hard nibbles.
She sighed in response, and he slipped a hand behind her
to undo the clasp and pull the bra off. "Rika," he breathed, staring.
"You're so beautiful…"
Yet you are so ugly you wear an apron...
"Course I'm beautiful," she joked. "I'm a model." She smiled at him as he took her breasts in his hands and began to massage them.
NIBBLA! *Chomp*
"Yessss," she moaned, arching her back. They weren't the largest breasts, but they were full and perky, and incredibly sensitive. "Suck on them," she ordered.
I CAN! I CAN! I CAN! I CA...oh sorry, i didn't see you guys were still here...
Takato moved his face down to do just that. Sucking on her right nipple, he lapped at it in a circular motion, flicking it occasionally with the tip of his tongue. With his other hand he massaged her left breast, rubbing his thumb against the hardened nipple at all the right moments. She breathed loudly, sexily, and clenched the hair at the back of his neck with his fingers.
You know i don't hate every sexfanfic, i loved the one with Shinji and Asuka, and i thought it was a good ending. BUT THIS ONE ISN'T!
Without thinking, Takato pulled his hand away and reached downward, unbuttoning her pants and trying to pull them off. He had to stop what he was doing so he could finish, yanking the skinny jeans off as though he hated them. Rika giggled as he tossed them onto the floor and turned back. "Skinny jeans are a little inconvenient," he said.
She yanked him down on top of her without replying. Beginning where he left off, he began to suck at her other breast, and slowly trailed his fingers down her sculpted stomach. They reached her red lace underwear and traced the edge of them for a second, before he slipped his hand inside. As his fingers slowly ran along the edge of her moist entrance, a loud moan escaped her mouth. He smiled, biting gently against her nipple at the same moment that he stuck a finger inside her.
Slowly he eased it in and out, rubbing her clitoris with his thumb. She squirmed and moaned in pleasure, her hips bucking once as he increased his speed and stuck a second finger inside. Not long after, he slipped in a third and thrust into her with a steady pace, With his thumb he rubbed and massaged the sensitive nub of nerve endings, and he moved his face upward so he could kiss her mouth passionately.
"Takato!" she moaned, her voice muffled by his tongue in her mouth. Her back arched as the tension inside her built up like a volcano waiting to explode. She was so close… "Faster!" she gasped.
His arm was getting tired, but he smiled and thrust faster and deeper inside her, finding that spot that gave her the most pleasure. She gasped and moaned, bucking her hips with his movements until her body grew stiff and her walls tightened around Takato's hand. She threw her head backwards and arched her back, screaming out his name as she orgasmed violently. As she writhed on the bed in ecstasy, Takato pulled his hand out and licked his fingers, liking the taste. He ripped her panties off of her and spread her hips open, leaning his face downwards so he could lap up her juices with his tongue. She practically gripped his head with her legs, holding him in place and moaning with pleasure.
"Oooooh, yessss! T-Ta-kato! Mmmmm….." Her head tossed back and forth. By the time her orgasm died down, she already felt the tension returning to her body from the ministrations of his tongue on her vagina and clitoris. His tongue moved like magic inside her, thrusting, lapping, licking and sucking as her wet juices streamed into his mouth, and he hummed with pleasure as he drank it all up.
Within minutes, she felt another climax growing in her. She grabbed her own breasts with her hands, massaging them and groaning out his name. Bucking her hips against his face, she cried out and came into his ready mouth, enjoying every second as he licked her clean.
He pulled back and sat on the bed, watching her squirm with a lopsided grin on his face. "Oh Rika," he murmured. "You're so sexy…"
"T-T-Taka-to…" Rika stuttered back, turning her head and smiling at him with a glowing expression. "You're amazing…Mmmmm…"
He stood and pulled off his pants and boxers, revealing his large and erect penis, then sat back down beside her. "Yeah, I am," he teased. He took her hand and wrapped it around his member, sighing at her touch. He locked eyes with her and grinned. "My turn."
Okay, that's enough. But, this didn't end yet, because this fanfic has THREE MORE CHAPTERS!!
What the hell? The start was okay, but then it turned into a shitty rule 34-story.
They basically have sex for next 3 chapters, i'm too lazy to review them anyway.
But at least this story gave me a lot of running gags to use in the future!
Thank you for reading! Please Comment what fanfic i should review next!
I've also realized why people don't read this, it's because this is an obvious rip-off of Topless Robot's "Bad Fanfic Friday". Although, i love those guys and i try NOT to copy them.
Also, before we continue, i would like to thank each and everyone for giving this blog over 1000 VIEWS! I hope this shit gets famous before i quit one day!
Anyways, Let's start our review of next bad fanfic called "Love In The Bakery" by Rukatofan.
First of all, it's not MLP fanfic, it's Digimon fanfic and a SEX one.
Second, it doesn't have Venusmon OR Lilithmon, so you can go away now.
Third, It's about the relationship of Rika Nonaka or "Ruki" as you weeaboos call her AND Takato. Who is Takato? Lex Luger gives thou an answer.
And what comes to Rika, she's a bitch. Not Asuka-Bitch, but a real bitch. From looks she isn't bad, but in personality she's just a foolish emo.
Tell me if i'm wrong, i haven't watched Tamers even though D-Reaper is based on Angels from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Anyways, let's start this shit:
Takato sighed as he slid the pan of bread into the oven and shut the door, wiping sweat off of his forehead with his arm. He spent every evening after the bakery was closed making the loaves and treats that he would sell the next day.
A Male working on Bakery? Man Dat's Gay!
It was a lonely life, with his parents traveling the world and most of his friends away at college. But this was what he wanted to do with his life. Even at 20 years, he had everything he wanted.
Takato wants to do bread for his life? Man, he is more depressed than Shinji.
Everything except company. It was hard to think about sometimes, but the fact that he rarely saw any of his friends anymore was a little depressing. Add to that the fact that he was single, and had been all of his life.
Who gives a shit if you have a wife? If you don't have wife, you can masturbate all day long!
"Sometimes, life sucks," he complained under his breath. He'd gotten used to talking to himself, so he didn't expect it when someone answered him.
Expect, if the room had someone in there, like, LA PARKA!
"Life always sucks," someone replied behind him.
He practically jumped out of his skin and whirled around to see who could possible be trespassing into his bakery after hours. Even though it had been at least five years, it didn't even take him a full second to recognize the young woman standing before him casually. "R-Rika!" he blurted.
And it was Rika, too. She was taller now, taller than most girls, but it in no way made her look lanky or strange. Her figure had changed to be more voluptuous in its curves, though it was easy to see that she was super toned and athletic.
Give me an image what she looks like so i can masturbate into it, i mean, nothing!
Takato could only stare with his mouth slightly open, admiring her perfect figure and perky breasts.
He quickly tried to regain his control and looked up at her eyes as fast as he could.
Then he wished he hadn't. They were as icy as he always remembered, a perfect blend of violet and amethyst that swirled together as though the colors were always changing. He always got lost in those eyes, and it wasn't any different now. Why did she always do this to him?
What are you guys looking at? Are you expecting me to make a bad joke of that sentence or something? No? Good, because i didn't came up with anything.
"Look, I know this is really sudden and all, but can I stay in your house for a while? I'm in town for the next month or so, and I've got nowhere else to go. You were always a good friend to me so I thought…" he voice trailed off, and she stared at him expectantly.
Is Rika really that stupid? She has got sexy breasts and fabulous breasts, and she's an Anime Girl! Takato would rape her anytime!
Takato had to focus to snap out of his staring, and couldn't help noticing that Rika didn't even care that he'd been staring at her like that. Maybe she was used to it? "Of course you can stay here," he answered quickly. "It's just me, so it'll be nice to have some company for a while. What's going on? I thought you moved to Tokyo."
Doesn't EVERY Anime happen in Tokyo? Well, at least in every Digimon season...
"No, my Mother and Grandma moved to Tokyo. I only went because I was still living with them while I was growing up. I'm 20 now, you know." She rolled her eyes and found a chair in the kitchen, pulling it over and sitting down. "I'm just here job hunting, and I've got nowhere to stay and no money till I find work."
Looking for jorb? Well, we've got an empty Slot on Bluster's Barrelworx! Get over there and i'm sure you'll get a lot of WORK!
Takato nodded, then dusted flour off of himself and untied his apron,
letting it rest on the nearest counter space. "Come on, I'll show you where you can stay. I've got the place to myself for what may be the rest of my life, so I can easily set you up in one of the guest rooms. Sound alright? I'll even let you stay free until you get a job."
Why Rika doesn't believe that Takato obviously wants to molest her? I thought women think EVERY SINGLE MALE is a pervert, especially an APRON-WEARING ONE!
"You'd charge an old friend rent?" Rika asked, narrowing her eyes in what seemed like anger.
"What are you, Stupid?"
But Takato could remember her well enough to know when she was joking and when she was serious. He always had, and that hadn't changed over the years. Especially when she was the one he thought of the most.
"Don't worry," he teased back, letting a grin slide onto his face.
"It'll only be a little bit. I'm not that greedy, but I will need some help with things like utilities. It gets more expensive with two people instead of one."
Rika thought about it, then nodded. "Fair," she said. "It's a deal. Show me that room."
The evening was getting late, and as Takato finished preparing everything for the store the next day, he focused on getting dinner ready for Rika and himself. It was weird and exciting that she was here, and he couldn't help feeling elated about it. Rika is here, staying in my house! He thought to himself with a smile. I used to fantasize about something like that. But now that it's actually happening, I don't even know how to act!
Just don't do anything. Why you stupid apron-wearing, Tai-copying, pie-eating, breast-stalking hairbrush can't get a REAL girlfriend? (See what i did there?)
His trail of thought was interrupted as Rika herself walked into the kitchen. She had taken off her shoes—a courtesy Takato had awkwardly asked her to do while living with him—and her footsteps were quiet along the wood floor. "Is that dinner?" she asked, staring at the rice and curry that Takato had been preparing for them.
Rice and Curry? Thank you for reminding me that they don't live in America...
I can obviously imagine Asuka in the place of Rika and Shinji in the place of Takato in this fanfic, it's obvious that Digimon Tamers is based on NGE, and not even Avery Petrie knows about it!
Only difference between the characters is that Shinji doesn't wear apron! He can cook, but come on!
"Looks delicious.
MOIST AND DELICIOUS! *congratulations for making your first tf2 reference Fortan, hope you don't make more*
I'm so hungry. Smelling that fresh bread baking was driving me crazy." She rubbed her stomach with her hand, making a face as it rumbled. Somehow it just made her look cute and sexy.
Takato chuckled out loud. "Oh, Rika," he said. He dished out two plates of curry and rice and walked out to the dining room, Rika trailing behind him. He set them down before chairs that sat across from each other, and went back into the kitchen
for the rest of the utensils. When he came back, she was already seated, her mouth practically drooling.
"That's Sexy" Takato thought.
"Itadakemasu," she said quickly, clapping her hands together and bowing slightly.
Do you japs really need to have those ridiculous food rituals, In the modern European Union, the maker of food just screams "Diner", eat and then say "Thank you."
She didn't wait for him to respond and instantly dug in, eating with a fury.
"That's Sexy" Takato thought.
"Wow, you really were hungry," he offered, and sat down. As they ate, he watched her with thoughtful eyes. How was it that she was back in town with no money and no job? Wouldn't it be super easy for her to find a modeling position? With her mother's influence in the profession it couldn't be that difficult. So why was she really here? He shook his had faintly at himself. Oh get over yourself. She wouldn't come back just for you.
I'd rather live in some other city in Japan than Tokyo. TOKYO IS FOR LOSERS, PEOPLE!
"So," she said, breaking into his thoughts once more. "You like taking over the bakery?"
"Yeah," he answered quickly. "I could do this all my life. It gets a little lonely sometimes, but it's not unbearable."
Yes it is... |
Rika's smile was a little wry, but she chuckled and slid her empty plate to the side so she could place her elbows on the table and rest her chin upon her hands.
"That's sexy" Takato thought.
"And you could always see through me," she replied. A sigh followed her words, and she paused a while before continuing. "The truth is, I can find work whenever I want. I have more agencies calling me than I care for, and when I feel like it, I'll pick one. But I just needed a break from the crazy schedules, the constant bickering and primping
Did she just said "pimping?"
Oh thank you, for a while i thought the writer of this fanfic had changed the roles
and being told I need to lose weight…"
she rolled her eyes. "It's horrible. Do you know what they call you in the modeling industry? They nickname you after your worst fault, and that's all you ever hear. Hey 'big nose,' or hey 'surfboard,' or 'zit face.'
Or 'bitch', but this is a kids fanfic! That's why it's rated M for Mini right????!!!!!???
It's horrible, and I'm sick of it." She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.
Takato shook his head. "That is horrible," he agreed, somewhat angry about it. Why would those people take the most beautiful people on the planet, and basically torture them and force them to be perfect. And still, all they did was name them something that probably wasn't even a fault at all. "Faults aren't bad," he said scowling. "They're what makes a person unique and worth knowing and loving. If anything, those things that are called faults are the most precious part. Without them, you'd just look like everybody else."
Sooooo that's why you wear apron?
Rika stared at him, sort of surprised by his outburst, and then smiled at him. "That was sweet," she teased. "I kind of like seeing you get all upset like that. It's cute."
"aaaand sexy!" Takato added.
Takato's face blushed a little. Not because being called cute was annoying to a guy, but because Rika had said it in such a way.
It was almost seductive. He cleared his throat and stood up, grabbing their plates. "I'll just put these in the kitchen," he said, walking that way.
Rika chuckled out loud, following him. "You're so shy," she teased, poking his ribs and making him jump a little.
"But it's just one of the things I love about you."
He nearly dropped the plates, managing to get them into the seat without breaking. "Wait, what?" he blurted, turning to face her. "Did you just say you loved me?"
She clasped her hands behind her back, making a face like she was thinking about it and swaying her hips from side to side. "Well, not in so many words," she taunted. "But yeah, I guess I do."
If there would be another thing i would hate about this fanfic, it would be that they use too much body language.
Takato felt his face flush red. Here was the girl that he'd thought about almost every day since he met her, the same girl that would probably kill him if he even hinted that he liked her, and she was telling him that she loved him. How was he supposed to respond to this? "R-Rika!" he managed to get her name out. "This doesn't really seem like you but…"
"But?" She asked, walking forward coyly. She stopped a foot away, leaning her face towards his. She'd gotten taller, probably more than most girls in Japan, but he was at least a head taller than her.
"Truth is, Takato, I've loved you since you first came into my life and made me realize what friendship truly was. I loved you the second you treated
Somewhere there, Avery Petrie's childhood was ruined...
Takato felt himself leaning towards her as she spoke, feeling her breath on his face. He could hardly believe was he was hearing. "I loved you the first time I saw you, in my dream. I never thought you would ever love me back, though. I thought you'd kill me if I ever let on that I even liked you."
"The old me might have," she grinned, lifting her chin and staring into his chocolate colored eyes.
Chocolate? Ugh, that's not sexy.
"But now all I can think about is you. When I came back into town and heard that you were here, I didn't want to go anywhere else."
Also because Tokyo and Kanto are full of losers!
There were only inches left between them, and Takato felt a rush of desire fill him that he had no mind to ignore. He closed the distance between them with a passionate kiss, and Rika answered back forcefully. Her lips felt so soft and alluring, and though he didn't have much experience with kissing, it seemed to come so naturally to him.
His hands snaked around her waist, pulling her close to his body, and she raised hers to circle his neck. He paused a second to breathe and suddenly her tongue slipped into his mouth, her kiss exploding with passion. Her fingers gripped his hair, pulling him closer to her, and he felt himself growing warmer with each second.
Rika was good at this. Every moment was bliss, and the tension in his body that her kissing caused was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Still, the fact that she was the one French kissing made him feel competitive. Her personality was the type that wanted to be in control, but that didn't mean he was going to let her take the lead without a fight! Between breaths he forced his tongue past hers, exploring her mouth fully. It was like a battle that neither of them wanted to end, but for some reason Rika pulled away and stepped back.
Good, that was incredibly romantic ^_^
Breathless, Takato looked at her with new eyes, admiring her face and figure as he'd never felt the freedom to do before. He loved every inch of her, and despite his desire to treat women with respect, all he wanted was to see her naked.
"Come on," she whispered, grinning and walking backwards. "I'd do you here, but I know you want to keep the kitchen clean."
Takato felt himself blush red, and he coughed in surprise. "Rika!" he blurted.
Why the writer of this shit loves the word "blurted"? That sounds disgusting in my opinion!
"Oh come on," she rolled his eyes. "What are you, a virgin?
![]() |
We both know where this is going. You want it, don't you?" she moved closer to him, swaying her hips seductively. "And I want it too."
"That's Sex... oh wait. That really is sexy!
He couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he wasn't an idiot. Walking forward, he reached for her and grabbed her waist, pulling her against him and kissing her. "Course I want it," he whispered huskily. "It's just a little new to me." He kissed her mouth, her chin, her jaw line, and her neck. She sighed loudly with pleasure.
More childhood-ruinage! Let's see how this ends!
"Then let's go," she whispered back. Within seconds they were stumbling up the stairs towards Takato's bedroom, not breaking contact as they explored each other's mouths with their tongues.
The door was left open, and they practically fell onto the bed. Rika moaned as his kisses migrated back to her neck. She wanted feel the skin of his chest against hers, and reached her hands down to tug his shirt upward. "Take it off," she ordered, pulling it over his head and tossing it on the floor. Her lips turned up in a smile as she studied his chest. "My, my, you've been working out!"
Oh god, Don't tell me he has a sixpack. If he does, that means he's a former Tamer with muscles and obsession with bakery.
Takato grinned, reaching his hands around her neck so that he could pull off her jewelry, and followed that by ripping off her shirt and admiring her red lacy bra. "It beats doing nothing every evening,"
![]() |
Yes, and for my next parlor trick, I shan't make anything appear! |
he replied. And it was true. He had been working out every day, toning his body and conditioning himself. "Cardiovascular Health is important, you know."
Now Takato is just being a Marty-Stu.
"Shut up," Rika growled, gripping his hair with her fingers.
He chuckled and responded by continuing to kiss her neck. His hands moved so that he could feel her breast, rubbing his fingers over her hard nibbles.
She had THIS in her breasts? Wow! |
Yet you are so ugly you wear an apron...
"Course I'm beautiful," she joked. "I'm a model." She smiled at him as he took her breasts in his hands and began to massage them.
NIBBLA! *Chomp*
"Yessss," she moaned, arching her back. They weren't the largest breasts, but they were full and perky, and incredibly sensitive. "Suck on them," she ordered.
I CAN! I CAN! I CAN! I CA...oh sorry, i didn't see you guys were still here...
Takato moved his face down to do just that. Sucking on her right nipple, he lapped at it in a circular motion, flicking it occasionally with the tip of his tongue. With his other hand he massaged her left breast, rubbing his thumb against the hardened nipple at all the right moments. She breathed loudly, sexily, and clenched the hair at the back of his neck with his fingers.
You know i don't hate every sexfanfic, i loved the one with Shinji and Asuka, and i thought it was a good ending. BUT THIS ONE ISN'T!
Without thinking, Takato pulled his hand away and reached downward, unbuttoning her pants and trying to pull them off. He had to stop what he was doing so he could finish, yanking the skinny jeans off as though he hated them. Rika giggled as he tossed them onto the floor and turned back. "Skinny jeans are a little inconvenient," he said.
She yanked him down on top of her without replying. Beginning where he left off, he began to suck at her other breast, and slowly trailed his fingers down her sculpted stomach. They reached her red lace underwear and traced the edge of them for a second, before he slipped his hand inside. As his fingers slowly ran along the edge of her moist entrance, a loud moan escaped her mouth. He smiled, biting gently against her nipple at the same moment that he stuck a finger inside her.
Slowly he eased it in and out, rubbing her clitoris with his thumb. She squirmed and moaned in pleasure, her hips bucking once as he increased his speed and stuck a second finger inside. Not long after, he slipped in a third and thrust into her with a steady pace, With his thumb he rubbed and massaged the sensitive nub of nerve endings, and he moved his face upward so he could kiss her mouth passionately.
"Takato!" she moaned, her voice muffled by his tongue in her mouth. Her back arched as the tension inside her built up like a volcano waiting to explode. She was so close… "Faster!" she gasped.
His arm was getting tired, but he smiled and thrust faster and deeper inside her, finding that spot that gave her the most pleasure. She gasped and moaned, bucking her hips with his movements until her body grew stiff and her walls tightened around Takato's hand. She threw her head backwards and arched her back, screaming out his name as she orgasmed violently. As she writhed on the bed in ecstasy, Takato pulled his hand out and licked his fingers, liking the taste. He ripped her panties off of her and spread her hips open, leaning his face downwards so he could lap up her juices with his tongue. She practically gripped his head with her legs, holding him in place and moaning with pleasure.
"Oooooh, yessss! T-Ta-kato! Mmmmm….." Her head tossed back and forth. By the time her orgasm died down, she already felt the tension returning to her body from the ministrations of his tongue on her vagina and clitoris. His tongue moved like magic inside her, thrusting, lapping, licking and sucking as her wet juices streamed into his mouth, and he hummed with pleasure as he drank it all up.
Within minutes, she felt another climax growing in her. She grabbed her own breasts with her hands, massaging them and groaning out his name. Bucking her hips against his face, she cried out and came into his ready mouth, enjoying every second as he licked her clean.
He pulled back and sat on the bed, watching her squirm with a lopsided grin on his face. "Oh Rika," he murmured. "You're so sexy…"
"T-T-Taka-to…" Rika stuttered back, turning her head and smiling at him with a glowing expression. "You're amazing…Mmmmm…"
He stood and pulled off his pants and boxers, revealing his large and erect penis, then sat back down beside her. "Yeah, I am," he teased. He took her hand and wrapped it around his member, sighing at her touch. He locked eyes with her and grinned. "My turn."
Okay, that's enough. But, this didn't end yet, because this fanfic has THREE MORE CHAPTERS!!
What the hell? The start was okay, but then it turned into a shitty rule 34-story.
They basically have sex for next 3 chapters, i'm too lazy to review them anyway.
But at least this story gave me a lot of running gags to use in the future!
Thank you for reading! Please Comment what fanfic i should review next!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Fortan's Filthy Fanfiction Corner: T'Was the night
Okay, everyone loves Christmas! Expect Jews. Jenovah's witnesses, terrorists and Russians.
And christmas means caring, presents, possible burnouts and fall of your economy! Also, Christmas also means incredibly lame Christmas specials, and also, Christmas fanfics, you know, the ones that make even "Pac-Man, video game character who saved Christmas" look good.
And for christmas, i am going to review another fanfiction that ironically features my favourite series ever.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Christmas Special also known as T'was the night
"Places people! 5 minutes to show time!" the lovely and talented Misato Katsuragi shouted as people of NERV scrambled and forth in a mad dash to get the sets ready for each individual song. When she was certain no one was listening, Misato let out a very tired sigh. "Making this event possible is even worse than filing the damage reports of angel attacks" she pouted.
"What, tired already? But the night is just beginning Katsuragi" A cool and confident voiced teased her. She whirled around, her hand already poised to attack Kaji but to her surprise her hand made contact with First Lieutenant Makoto Hyuga's face, knocking his glass clean off as he spiraled to the ground.
Misato pulled at the ends of her hair while shouting "You're not KAJI! I'm so so sorry!" Kaji chuckled next to her, clearly enjoying the sight of a distress Misato. Misato keen ears pick up on his chuckle and like a smart bomb,
Oh god, Why? Why those people have fallen into THIS?
It's like gathering HomeStuck characters to sing religional songs with Puppet Jimmy Carter, La Parka and Gabe Newell!
"You can help me by leaving me alone!" Misato shouted as she helped Hyuga to his feet. "Sorry about that Makoto" She tells him sheepishly. Hyuga simply blushes before nervously laughing "No problem Major, no problem at all" He stares dreamily into her eyes, imagining a long passionate kiss that would make the collected Ryoji Kaji fume in jealousy.
So Third Impact turned Evangelion Characters into a gang of B-List Celebrities??? Just like what happened with A-Team, Muppets and Married With Children?? Expect this time, they are in their roles BOTH in real life and in TV??? Now i know how WWE Wrestlers feel...
"Hyuga! Are you listening!?" His mind snaps back to attention "No ma'am! I'm sorry I thought I saw…" "Can it, we don't have time. Do you have the information I need?" Hyuga nods quickly, handing her the list. "That's the order of people singing tonight. While most wrote down the song they are going to sing, we have yet to get one from Mr. Ikari, Miss Sohryu and Miss Ayanami"
Did "Sans", "Samas" and "Kuns" went out of model?
Misato slapped her forehead in annoyance "I want the whole team to make them have a song ready for me! Especially since Rei's first!" Hyuga nodded eagerly as Misato went off to dress. Try getting that image out of your head.
Yes, Fanservice would save this utter piece of shit story.
Shinji Ikari sighed. Then he thought about which song to sing….and sighed some more.
l4me like rocketboy always says...
When he supported this idea for a special as a thank you for all their fans,
Me. Asuka. Mari. Rei. Maybe Kaworu. One Room. No Rules. Ten Condoms. Thank You. You're Welcome.
he had no idea that meant he would automatically sign up to sing in it. He did not believe there was any girl who wanted to hear him sing…actually he didn't think anyone wanted to see him in general.
Well, nobody wants to see you...singing.
Shinji scratched the back of his hand nervously. He was hoping to use this as a chance to show Asuka how he felt. The confident, beautiful Asuka Langley Sohryu.
Oh come on Shinji, just turn gay. If a Big time loser like Avery Petrie could do it, you can do it too because you're a... big time loser!
He loved her since he first locked eyes with her (though many may think when she flashed him is when he fell for her but he wasn't that kind of guy). But now he had no idea what to sing. Which Christmas song do you sing to tell someone you love them?
All i want for Christmas is you? Ever heard of that? Or just show her "Jesus H. Christ in China with Gary Oldman as Pontius Pilate!"
Shinji rose to his feet and walked over to his good friend Toji, who was currently checking himself out in the mirror. "Oh yeah, I look good" he muttered as he flexed for the mirror. Shinji was amazed it didn't crack.
Shinji had a friend named Toji? Well, for a while at least...
"Toji" Shinji called but Toji paid no noticed to him. "Oh yeah, all the ladies are gonna love ya" Toji said with a grin. "TOJI! I need your help" Toji frowned before turning to his friend. "Why'd ya interrupted me Shinji? I need to practice when I strut on stage for the ladies" Shinji looked in disbelief at his friend "but…you're wearing your track suit? You think the ladies will love you….in a track suit?"Toji smiled smugly "All for the fans. Isn't that why you're wearing your school uniform?"
Well, at least in Japan. But every anime has always DIFFERENT school uniform and british uniform's don't attract ANYONE! That's why Jasper and Lucy don't have different gender interests.
Shinji peered down. Actually he wasn't sure how to dress for these events and went with something familiar. "It's still better than a track suit" Shinji shot back. "Dude, ya need some style. I make this look good" Toji said with a deluded tone.
Shinji resisted rolling his eyes. Right now he needed Toji's advice. He could ridicule his track suit later.
Also, why would someone wear track suit in Christmas??? I know Christmas has snow and snow is cold, but come on! This isn't the anniversary of hiking! Just wear sexy body suit or something! That's the trademark of the whole fucking series!
"Toji…I want to tell Asuka how I feel but I don't know which song would get my point across best. I mean I can't just tell her I dedicated a song to her! She'd laugh at me! But if I don't make it obvious enough she won't get the hint! Toji, what do I do?!"'
Just say, "This song has been dedicated for person i love, who passed away twice" That would get some sympathy!
"Toji?" Shinji asked uncertainly. Toji just flexed some more and smiled at his reflection. Shinji bit his lip as he punched Toji in his shoulder. "OWW! What was that for!?" Toji rubbed his shoulder as Shinji "SONG. I need your help!" Toji looked thoughtful for a moment and Shinji was beginning to hope that his friend was going to make up for his earlier neglect.
"Dude I dunno"
Shinji let out a frustrated cry
The chattering of the fans came to a stop when the lights dimmed. There was a single spotlight shone on the middle of the stage as a click, clack sound of heels began to get louder and louder.
I guess only legacy this show would get is the "Super-Terrific Japanese Thing" article on Topless Robot.
Suddenly Misato appeared, wearing a strapless black dress that stopped just above her knee and shined against the lone spotlight. She wore light red lipstick and black heels that seemed to allow her to glide rather than walk. "Hello Fans!" She shouted into a microphone. At once she was met with wolf whistles and loud cheers. She shot a suggestive wink into the crowd and the theater just exploded. "Now, now settle down" She giggled, slowly the cheering died down.
It died because the show became awkward before it even started. Fuck it, put some Nicholas Cage in to sing "Merry Jollies to Everyone and NOT THE BEEEEEES!!"
"Now I am Misato Katsuragi" A loud cheer went up again "As you all know and I would like to welcome you to our showcase. This is just our way of saying thanks! Now before we get the ball rolling, I believe Mr. Gendo Ikari has a few words for you!"
The audience began clapping and cheering as Gendo calmly walked onto the stage in his usual commander outfit, hands clasped behind his back as he made his way to Misato. She handed him the microphone and took a step back as he turned to address the crowd, who were cheering their heads off. "Silence" Gendo spoke into the microphone and suddenly as if someone turned off the sound in the whole world.
Then, Gendo put his hand on his face and suddenly ripped his face off, and there was another face. Fans were astonished, instead of Gendo Ikari, there was now...
But sadly that didn't happen, so let's go on.
Gendo paused, gathering the words he wished to present to his loyal, loving fans. Fans edge closer, each coming up with an idea of what the great and almighty Gendo Ikari's speech would be.
Silence rolled into seconds before Gendo finally said "Enjoy" and handed Misato the microphone as he walked pass. Misato's stunned face was nothing compared to the audiences. "Maybe…that was the wrong thing to say" she thought. As once the crowd cheered louder than what they had for Misato, which irked her a little. "Ungrateful little" She thought as she went on with her dialogue "Thank you Commander Ikari! Now let's get this show started with Rei Ayanami singing…er… a song!" Misato made her way off stage as the curtains rose, showing a sight that stunned the most devote Evangelion fan into silence.
Thankfully we won't see more, because this fanfic ended. Really!
And christmas means caring, presents, possible burnouts and fall of your economy! Also, Christmas also means incredibly lame Christmas specials, and also, Christmas fanfics, you know, the ones that make even "Pac-Man, video game character who saved Christmas" look good.
And for christmas, i am going to review another fanfiction that ironically features my favourite series ever.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Christmas Special also known as T'was the night
Hey everyone. I this is just an idea i had
rolling around in my head. I'm working on my other story as well so no
worries. Now i hope you enjoy the product of my hyperactive mind!
T'was the night
theater was alive with the sounds of a full house. Happy murmurs were
echoing throughout the halls as people took their seats for the main
show. It wasn't every day that the cast of the enormously popular and
forever well-loved show Neon Genesis Evangelion broke the fourth wall
for a Christmas special. Tickets sold out instantly as fans sat
patiently to hear their favorite cast members sing their choice of
holiday hits.
....WAIT WHAT???
Evangelion gang singing Christmas hits??? Who came up with this? I know this is fake, but... it's still ridiculous...
I would only buy the CD if it features Nicholas Cage, Lemmy from Motörhead, Paul Whitehouse and Gary Oldman as Pontius Pilate!
The only thing that could satisfy the fans even more is if
Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo found its way to torrent
sites faster. But at alas, one miracle at a time.
Nah, i haven't found any torrents for 2.0 either.
"Places people! 5 minutes to show time!" the lovely and talented Misato Katsuragi shouted as people of NERV scrambled and forth in a mad dash to get the sets ready for each individual song. When she was certain no one was listening, Misato let out a very tired sigh. "Making this event possible is even worse than filing the damage reports of angel attacks" she pouted.
So this takes place in an Alternate dimension where Evangelion was a tv show but also a REAL THING???
So that means it's like Conan O'Brien with plot! Oh my god i need to take a christmas whisky!
So that means it's like Conan O'Brien with plot! Oh my god i need to take a christmas whisky!
"What, tired already? But the night is just beginning Katsuragi" A cool and confident voiced teased her. She whirled around, her hand already poised to attack Kaji but to her surprise her hand made contact with First Lieutenant Makoto Hyuga's face, knocking his glass clean off as he spiraled to the ground.
Stop attacking people, Katsuragi!
Misato pulled at the ends of her hair while shouting "You're not KAJI! I'm so so sorry!" Kaji chuckled next to her, clearly enjoying the sight of a distress Misato. Misato keen ears pick up on his chuckle and like a smart bomb,
her hand connects to his face cleanly. "Well that stung a
bit" Kaji cheerfully replies as he attempts to cover up the tears in his
eyes. Misato's cheeks puff in anger as she begins to scold Kaji "What
are you doing here? You are not even allowed to be in the building!"
Kaji flashed as smile as he held up a card that said NERV approved.
"Gendo gave me the okay so I can help you"
Oh god, Why? Why those people have fallen into THIS?
It's like gathering HomeStuck characters to sing religional songs with Puppet Jimmy Carter, La Parka and Gabe Newell!
"You can help me by leaving me alone!" Misato shouted as she helped Hyuga to his feet. "Sorry about that Makoto" She tells him sheepishly. Hyuga simply blushes before nervously laughing "No problem Major, no problem at all" He stares dreamily into her eyes, imagining a long passionate kiss that would make the collected Ryoji Kaji fume in jealousy.
So Third Impact turned Evangelion Characters into a gang of B-List Celebrities??? Just like what happened with A-Team, Muppets and Married With Children?? Expect this time, they are in their roles BOTH in real life and in TV??? Now i know how WWE Wrestlers feel...
"Hyuga! Are you listening!?" His mind snaps back to attention "No ma'am! I'm sorry I thought I saw…" "Can it, we don't have time. Do you have the information I need?" Hyuga nods quickly, handing her the list. "That's the order of people singing tonight. While most wrote down the song they are going to sing, we have yet to get one from Mr. Ikari, Miss Sohryu and Miss Ayanami"
Did "Sans", "Samas" and "Kuns" went out of model?
Misato slapped her forehead in annoyance "I want the whole team to make them have a song ready for me! Especially since Rei's first!" Hyuga nodded eagerly as Misato went off to dress. Try getting that image out of your head.
Yes, Fanservice would save this utter piece of shit story.
Shinji Ikari sighed. Then he thought about which song to sing….and sighed some more.
l4me like rocketboy always says...
When he supported this idea for a special as a thank you for all their fans,
Me. Asuka. Mari. Rei. Maybe Kaworu. One Room. No Rules. Ten Condoms. Thank You. You're Welcome.
he had no idea that meant he would automatically sign up to sing in it. He did not believe there was any girl who wanted to hear him sing…actually he didn't think anyone wanted to see him in general.
Well, nobody wants to see you...singing.
Shinji scratched the back of his hand nervously. He was hoping to use this as a chance to show Asuka how he felt. The confident, beautiful Asuka Langley Sohryu.
Oh come on Shinji, just turn gay. If a Big time loser like Avery Petrie could do it, you can do it too because you're a... big time loser!
He loved her since he first locked eyes with her (though many may think when she flashed him is when he fell for her but he wasn't that kind of guy). But now he had no idea what to sing. Which Christmas song do you sing to tell someone you love them?
All i want for Christmas is you? Ever heard of that? Or just show her "Jesus H. Christ in China with Gary Oldman as Pontius Pilate!"
Shinji rose to his feet and walked over to his good friend Toji, who was currently checking himself out in the mirror. "Oh yeah, I look good" he muttered as he flexed for the mirror. Shinji was amazed it didn't crack.
Shinji had a friend named Toji? Well, for a while at least...
"Toji" Shinji called but Toji paid no noticed to him. "Oh yeah, all the ladies are gonna love ya" Toji said with a grin. "TOJI! I need your help" Toji frowned before turning to his friend. "Why'd ya interrupted me Shinji? I need to practice when I strut on stage for the ladies" Shinji looked in disbelief at his friend "but…you're wearing your track suit? You think the ladies will love you….in a track suit?"Toji smiled smugly "All for the fans. Isn't that why you're wearing your school uniform?"
Well, at least in Japan. But every anime has always DIFFERENT school uniform and british uniform's don't attract ANYONE! That's why Jasper and Lucy don't have different gender interests.
Shinji peered down. Actually he wasn't sure how to dress for these events and went with something familiar. "It's still better than a track suit" Shinji shot back. "Dude, ya need some style. I make this look good" Toji said with a deluded tone.
Shinji resisted rolling his eyes. Right now he needed Toji's advice. He could ridicule his track suit later.
Also, why would someone wear track suit in Christmas??? I know Christmas has snow and snow is cold, but come on! This isn't the anniversary of hiking! Just wear sexy body suit or something! That's the trademark of the whole fucking series!
"Toji…I want to tell Asuka how I feel but I don't know which song would get my point across best. I mean I can't just tell her I dedicated a song to her! She'd laugh at me! But if I don't make it obvious enough she won't get the hint! Toji, what do I do?!"'
Just say, "This song has been dedicated for person i love, who passed away twice" That would get some sympathy!
"Toji?" Shinji asked uncertainly. Toji just flexed some more and smiled at his reflection. Shinji bit his lip as he punched Toji in his shoulder. "OWW! What was that for!?" Toji rubbed his shoulder as Shinji "SONG. I need your help!" Toji looked thoughtful for a moment and Shinji was beginning to hope that his friend was going to make up for his earlier neglect.
"Dude I dunno"
Shinji let out a frustrated cry
The chattering of the fans came to a stop when the lights dimmed. There was a single spotlight shone on the middle of the stage as a click, clack sound of heels began to get louder and louder.
I guess only legacy this show would get is the "Super-Terrific Japanese Thing" article on Topless Robot.
Suddenly Misato appeared, wearing a strapless black dress that stopped just above her knee and shined against the lone spotlight. She wore light red lipstick and black heels that seemed to allow her to glide rather than walk. "Hello Fans!" She shouted into a microphone. At once she was met with wolf whistles and loud cheers. She shot a suggestive wink into the crowd and the theater just exploded. "Now, now settle down" She giggled, slowly the cheering died down.
It died because the show became awkward before it even started. Fuck it, put some Nicholas Cage in to sing "Merry Jollies to Everyone and NOT THE BEEEEEES!!"
"Now I am Misato Katsuragi" A loud cheer went up again "As you all know and I would like to welcome you to our showcase. This is just our way of saying thanks! Now before we get the ball rolling, I believe Mr. Gendo Ikari has a few words for you!"
The audience began clapping and cheering as Gendo calmly walked onto the stage in his usual commander outfit, hands clasped behind his back as he made his way to Misato. She handed him the microphone and took a step back as he turned to address the crowd, who were cheering their heads off. "Silence" Gendo spoke into the microphone and suddenly as if someone turned off the sound in the whole world.
Then, Gendo put his hand on his face and suddenly ripped his face off, and there was another face. Fans were astonished, instead of Gendo Ikari, there was now...
IT'S ME AUSTIN! "Oh you son of a-*gunshot" IT WAS ME, ALL ALONG AUSTIN. |
Gendo paused, gathering the words he wished to present to his loyal, loving fans. Fans edge closer, each coming up with an idea of what the great and almighty Gendo Ikari's speech would be.
Silence rolled into seconds before Gendo finally said "Enjoy" and handed Misato the microphone as he walked pass. Misato's stunned face was nothing compared to the audiences. "Maybe…that was the wrong thing to say" she thought. As once the crowd cheered louder than what they had for Misato, which irked her a little. "Ungrateful little" She thought as she went on with her dialogue "Thank you Commander Ikari! Now let's get this show started with Rei Ayanami singing…er… a song!" Misato made her way off stage as the curtains rose, showing a sight that stunned the most devote Evangelion fan into silence.
Thankfully we won't see more, because this fanfic ended. Really!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Why Mario and Sonic Must Move On...
Nowadays Mascot Gaming sucks, Kids play either C.O.D, Minecraft or Valve, or then they play retro games, and that's why they're bullied in school. People no longer make games with cute heroish characters who fight against actually pretty cool villains, because that wouldn't make any money.
People try to keep this mascot-thing alive, Especially, Nintendo, which has ended up becoming the most hated company of the "Big Console Billionaire Trio." Foolish kids who play C.O.D/Valve/Minecraft hate it, 4channers hate it and "THE TRUE GAYMERZ" hate it.
That's why Nintendo has Sega, which has turned into a straight-up joke with it's "darker and edgier" Sonic Games, and that's why people think Sonic is better than Mario.
WRONG, none of them are good enough to survive in this mass of nerds, LANs and Console Wars.
Alright, let's see, how we could IMPROVE these two so they would be super-popular again? Hmmm.
Mario made his last change back in 2007, when he jumped into space. After that we got NOTHING NEW. Just few shitty sequels of the previous games and New Super Mario Bros. series, that would be good IF THEY WOULDN'T REPEAT SAME SHIT ALL THE TIME!!!
Back in the 90's, when Nintendo was rich but stupid, they had a lot of "IdontknowanythingaboutMario"-workers, that gave birth to very weird Super Mario Land-games. They weren't canon, but they gave us the debut of Wario and Daisy. Also Nintendo messed up with CD-I and then we got Hotel Mario, which was incredibly shitty, but at least IT WAS ORIGINAL IDEA.
I think Nintendo should make a game that is completetly weird and new, basically they need to give rights to other company for a while and they must create a Mario Game and then Nintendo would publish it. That's the same way how Super Mario RPG: Legend of Seven Stars was born! Although Nintendo fanbois whined how Geno doesn't appear in the new games, and if they would do that. THAT WILL BE STILL COUNTED AS REPETITIVE.
Like i said, Mario needs to grow up, do what Sonic did. Become much darker, not "Super Paper Mario"-dark. SERIOUSLY DARK. Add blood, deaths and other stuff. Also make game kinda unmarioish so it wouldn't become so overrated like every other Mario game.
And what comes into Super Smash Bros Brawl, "FUCK IT. It's one of the most overrated games of this decade and everyone needs to stop liking it!" This quote was brought you by Dave McDonalds, go failtroll him into his Deviantart page.
If i gave this advice to Nintendo, what advice i would give to Sonic? Well...
Sonic's more popular than in the 2006, but who cares? He still can't be taken seriously after his fandom came in. He must become something that isn't causing furbitches to wet their panties. (Speaking of panties, did you knew that Dave and Jasper had a panty party last night? Thankfully Avery wasn't invented because then he would be pregnant.)
Sonic needs to become the friend of kids again. More popular than Mickey Mouse. Sonic was cooler back in his younger days, and he needs to come back into his midget persona FOR FULL BASIS, not just by appearing in a new shitty Sonic Generation that is also incredibly overrated.
Also, just like what happened with Mario, Sonic needs to get more sequels made by other companies, and actually give us Sonic X-Treme and also Eggman's Robotnik again. Because, in my opinion, Robotnik is more serious character than Eggman. Just look at him!
So this is it. Shortly, Mario and Sonic need to change roles. And also, don't make Mario/Sonic Crossovers anymore, so it would give an image that they're RIVALS.
People try to keep this mascot-thing alive, Especially, Nintendo, which has ended up becoming the most hated company of the "Big Console Billionaire Trio." Foolish kids who play C.O.D/Valve/Minecraft hate it, 4channers hate it and "THE TRUE GAYMERZ" hate it.
That's why Nintendo has Sega, which has turned into a straight-up joke with it's "darker and edgier" Sonic Games, and that's why people think Sonic is better than Mario.
WRONG, none of them are good enough to survive in this mass of nerds, LANs and Console Wars.
Alright, let's see, how we could IMPROVE these two so they would be super-popular again? Hmmm.
Mario needs to stop being repetitive and grow up
No, adding more beautiful backgrounds doesn't help |
Back in the 90's, when Nintendo was rich but stupid, they had a lot of "IdontknowanythingaboutMario"-workers, that gave birth to very weird Super Mario Land-games. They weren't canon, but they gave us the debut of Wario and Daisy. Also Nintendo messed up with CD-I and then we got Hotel Mario, which was incredibly shitty, but at least IT WAS ORIGINAL IDEA.
I think Nintendo should make a game that is completetly weird and new, basically they need to give rights to other company for a while and they must create a Mario Game and then Nintendo would publish it. That's the same way how Super Mario RPG: Legend of Seven Stars was born! Although Nintendo fanbois whined how Geno doesn't appear in the new games, and if they would do that. THAT WILL BE STILL COUNTED AS REPETITIVE.
Like i said, Mario needs to grow up, do what Sonic did. Become much darker, not "Super Paper Mario"-dark. SERIOUSLY DARK. Add blood, deaths and other stuff. Also make game kinda unmarioish so it wouldn't become so overrated like every other Mario game.
And what comes into Super Smash Bros Brawl, "FUCK IT. It's one of the most overrated games of this decade and everyone needs to stop liking it!" This quote was brought you by Dave McDonalds, go failtroll him into his Deviantart page.
If i gave this advice to Nintendo, what advice i would give to Sonic? Well...
Sonic needs to stop being furry faggot and become future teenagers Childhood icon.
You can't fap to DOWN SYNDROME SONIC! |
Sonic needs to become the friend of kids again. More popular than Mickey Mouse. Sonic was cooler back in his younger days, and he needs to come back into his midget persona FOR FULL BASIS, not just by appearing in a new shitty Sonic Generation that is also incredibly overrated.
Also, just like what happened with Mario, Sonic needs to get more sequels made by other companies, and actually give us Sonic X-Treme and also Eggman's Robotnik again. Because, in my opinion, Robotnik is more serious character than Eggman. Just look at him!
Seriously, you can't imagine that evil scottish head to say: "YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY, THE MORE THE MERRIER" |
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